Sevendust: new song ''Till Death' available for streaming
"'Till Death", a brand new song from Sevendust, is available for streaming at The track comes off the band's ninth studio album, "Black Out The Sun", which will be released on March 26 via Sevendust's 7Bros. Records label (through Warner Music Group's Independent Label Group). The Cd was recorded at Architekt Music studios in Butler, New Jersey with engineer Mike Ferretti."Black Out The Sun" track listing:
01. Memory
02. Faithless
03. 'Till Death
04. Mountain
05. Cold As War
06. Black Out The Sun
07. Nobody Wants It
08. Dead Roses
09. Decay
10. Dark Am
11. Picture Perfect
12. Got A Feeling
13. Murder Bar
Sevendust filmed a video for the Cd's first single, "Decay", just before its recent tour with Lacuna Coil kicked off on February 2 in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.
Sevendust drummer Morgan Rose told that the song actually came from a riff left over from the "Cold Ray Memory" sessions.
"We were starting to get burnt and we didn't want to push it," Rose recalls. "So we had this riff, and we said, 'Let's jam it and see if anything comes of it.' And before you know it, it became a song that ends up on the record, and everybody listens to it and they end up picking that as the single, which was pretty cool."
The song "Murder Bar" was reportedly inspired by a Butler, New Jersey bar across from the hotel where Sevendust was staying while recording the new Cd. Rumor had it the place was popular with many of New Jersey's murderers.
"It's a basic Sevendust record," guitarist Clint Lowery recently told "Source Of The Sound With Wendy Campbell". "There's nothing, like, too completely different than anything we've done before. It's got a darker vibe to it. We've got a good amount of the programming element in there. It's a lot of what we do — it's heavy and it's got its melodic element in it. So if you're a Sevendust fan, it's more along the lines of the second and third records we did — it's kind of like that. It's got a couple of throwback vibes to it. 'Animosity' and 'Home' [1999], if I can put those two records together, it would [sound similar to the new Cd]."
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